New Game Enemy Type
Check out the first official game devlog update! The game development of OMW is progressing nicely. I’ve learned a lot over the past couple of years and I’m ready to blast full force into game dev, so keep in touch with me and provide positive energy and feedback as necessary. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and the types of things you might like to see in Over Many Waters.
My First Game Devlog
Starting a devlog was awkward for me, but I think I’ll get the hang of it. All new experiences are exciting and intimidating. As seen below, this week I worked on a Golem enemy type. This big little guy chases the player character Leo until catching up. When the Golem finally reaches Leo, he lets off a nasty punch, dealing 3 points of damage. Since Leo only starts with 6 total, this guy packs a huge punch, so look out!
My next planned game update may not be as exciting as this one, but it’s probably of greater importance. I plan on rebuilding the player character code. I’m working in Unity with C#, which I’ve grown increasingly confident in, and I have a lot of support from friends, so things should go pretty well!
Please stay tuned and keep up with my progress. It means a lot to me as a solo dev.
Join my Discord and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates in the near future. Thanks!