Endless Runner in Space
Better late than never, but here’s a defacto, mini-postmortem on my game development project called Super Nuclear Speed Racing (SNSR). You can play SNSR within minutes if you warp on over to the Google Play Store and download that sweet hyperdrive for a test run yourself.
Developing this little indie game was a blast! I challenged myself to pop out a game in less than 24 hours and try for a Google Play upload. It worked! I know I sound surprised, but hey it was my first attempt and when I found out it got accepted and approved, I flipped. Now, I’m more confident in my game development ability and I’m eager to go bigger. I believe I can go much, much bigger, to a new galaxy, not too far away. See Over Many Waters, the project I’m currently working on.
As for SNSR, I think I’m completely ok never updating the little guy again, but if I somehow find myself opening my front door to a press mob begging to find out when SNSR 2 will release, I’ll be a crowd-pleaser. I’m being cheeky of course, but I would continue development if at least a handful of folks wanted to see more from SNSR.
A Game of Intergalactic Dodgeball
A little backstory to this game: I scraped some code from an older, less fortunate game dev project I codenamed “Pexels”. That poor Tamagachi knockoff flopped horribly. It was one of my first Unity projects and I struggled to see it all the way through. The sheer amount of bugs to squash scared me off.
A mini-game I built within Pexels involved the player character dodging dodgeballs that fell from the sky. When you play SNSR you’ll see it. I just swapped the dodgeballs for asteroids and created a spaceship to track mobile touch feedback. Now I have my first completed game released on Google Play! Keep in touch with me for more updates and check out our stories and devlogs.